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What type(s) of contract are you looking for?
Full-time Permanent Position
Full-time Contractor Position
Part-time Contractor Position
How many years of experience do you have in a game development role? (please enter as a number)
How many years of relevant experience do you have in non-game development roles? "Relevant Experience" can include any professional or hobby work that has helped you build skills and knowledge that you can apply directly to your role at Soft Rains. (please enter as a number)
What location will you work from? (If you're in the USA, provide State) (If you're in Canada, provide Province). Note: Answer with where you'll be physically located while working for Soft Rains. This is info we need for legal employment reasons.
Are you legally authorized to work in that location without employer-based sponsorship?
If you were referred by someone from Soft Rains, please enter their name here
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